The Kincardine Curling Club is a private non-profit organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors. We have 4 ice sheets, a lounge, and a kitchen. We also have a Rentals program for the lounge, kitchen, and ice sheets. An annual Membership can be purchased for $100 (Early Bird Special $75 if purchased before Sept. 28/2020). There are many draws and times to pick from to suit every skill level and preference. Everything from New Curler, to Recreational 3s, to Mixed Recreational, to Mixed Doubles, to Competitive and finally OFL (Old Folks League). If you pay your Membership you can also join any of our bonspiels.
On our website there is information about our Membership Structure, Registration, Schedules and Times, Rentals, and also all of our COVID protocols.
A. Kukurudza | Vice President and Director of Rentals | 519-396-2951 |